Monday 22 September 2008

Golf is always a good convo starter

Ah well Europe didn't win the Ryder cup... but well done to Ian Poulter thought he played amazing. It was definitely entertaining though, with the Americans giving it there classic U.S.A chants and getting worked up in true American style thought they were going go start another war they were so psyched up woooo you go mickelson lets bomb the bastards
Also enjoyed todays google front page for autumn in fact i like (quite sadly i might admit) i like all the quirky little google banners.

Also which caught my attention in the news today on the bbc website was how 2 people in south africa had been killed by a train whilst having sex on the track. Mental or what surely if u heard and saw a train coming (no pun intended) you would just get out the way. They must have been desperate for it and if you don't believe check it out yourself

A more serious not that 2 people losing there lives isn't. Again this concerns Africa and this time also all the continents of the world because as per usual the rich countries are letting down there poor neighbours. Eight years ago 100 leaders of the wealthiest countries signed the millenium goals development. These goals focused predominantly on providing nutrition, energy, water, education, healthcare and environmental protection for one half of the world's 1 billion poorest citizens by 2015.
Now at the half way mark the world leaders will again meet to asses the progress which unfortunately will be very little. For example it is estimated that if current trends continue non of the goals will be met in the sub sahara.
These problems are occuring due to the developing countries consuming far too much than necessary. For example the price of oil has soared this is to do with many factors such as developing countries such as India using a lot to create an industry or developed countries not being sensible such as the U.S the biggest oil consuming country which hasn't bothered to implement any fuel or energy reducing measures.
This sends food prices soaring and we are all feeling that however in the developed countries although certain luxuries we are needing to cut out on and we are having to be more careful with our money. For people in third world countries they really do have a problem.
For example rice cost $850 a tonne in January 2008 to $2160 a tonne in April 2008. Therefore, if someone makes only $2 a day they will have to go hungry for several days of the week.
So how have the dveloped nations responded... by decreasing their development assistance funds from $107.1 billion in 2005 to $103.7 billion in 2007.
Of course we can't just simply say this is the governments they need to spend more money they of course need to look after their own people and with them feeling the pinch spending will be spent at home first before overseas. Therefore, we ourselves need to do something about it however, it would appear we are becoming less giving. People are dying in the world because they don't have enough money to buy basic food. Yet in 2007 $45 billion dollars was spent on cat and dog food a rise of 43% in the past five years.
However, we can't say the poor countries are innocent in all of this they are of course rapidly creating industries which are using fuels therefore pushing up the price.
The greatest idea between poor and rich countries was put forward at the 1992 Earth Summit, it stated that governments needed to recognise "common, but differentiated, responsibilities" quite simply, that rich countries need to reduce consumption while poorer countries have a right to develop, but must do so sustainably.
Hopefully our government and the governments of affluent countries around the world can work out a solution, after all thats what they are elected for.
Fair enough i can't stay on my high horse i obviously don't donate all my money to charity and save all the energy i possibly can but i do a little and if we all did it would make for a better fairer world.
There we go that was a more pressing issue than last time and lets see what happens on the issue in the coming week when the world leaders meet in New York.
Thanks for reading my ramblings.


Luke Beaumont's Design for Digital Media Blog said...

love the little story on "how 2 people in south africa had been killed by a train whilst having sex on the track"

I linked your blog out on my college blog

and on my tumblr

might help getting a few more people reading your blog!

I like what I am seeing so far :)

Luke Beaumont's Design for Digital Media Blog said...

oh just realized (don't know if you know) you have set up your comments so only people with a blogger or open ID can comment.

Its better to let all people comment you can sort it out in the blogger settings ask me to show you if you don't understand